PR/Advertisting with Momma Lew

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

{{GIVEAWAY}} Jack & Lily Shoes

Jack & Lily Giveaway

Jack & Lily provides ultra-soft, fashionable shoes for babies and toddlers throughout the world. Read Fun With Four's full review on Jack & Lily footwear HERE.

I used to love putting shoes like this on my babies and early walkers.  The designs are so cute now compared to the options I had a few years ago!  

Enter for a chance to win any pair of Jack & Lily shoes of your choice!
Must be 18+ to enter. Open to US and Canada. Giveaway ends 4/24/13 at 11:59pm CST.

**MOMMA LEW'S BLOG did not receive compensation for this post and is not responsible for prize fulfillment.**

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  1. I would choose Star Trainer Green

  2. I would choose glitter bow white!

  3. They're all so cute! I think I would choose the star trainer green as well.

  4. I love the girly boots, but they would be too small for my toddler : ( I would like the White or Green Start Trainers for my son. The green would be cuter, but white would go with more. I am too practical...

  5. I like the wide strap brown and green

    christine w

  6. i like to choose Star Trainer Green
