PR/Advertisting with Momma Lew

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Paleo/Whole30 Approved Pecan Crusted Chicken

Since I started the Whole30/Paleo lifestyle 55 days ago (and yes I am counting, it keeps me accountable), I really haven't had any comfort food at all.  Things like fried chicken and mashed potatoes just don't have a place in this lifestyle.  I am ok with that, but sometimes we just want something that resembles comfort food!

This Pecan Crusted chicken did just that for me!  I found the chicken to be very moist & flavorful considering the lack of ingredients!

I took 2 cups of pecans and ground them in the food processor.  Be careful!  Too much grinding will give you pecan butter!  So just watch and make sure you are making "bread crumbs".  Do you like my measuring cup?  I do, it's one of my favorite kitchen gadgets.  A fellow blogger, Elisha from Delish sent to me last Christmas.

Then I took 1/2 cup of mustard and mix it with a tablespoon or so of Olive Oil.  Coat your chicken breasts in the mustard mix & then dredge in the pecans.  Coat a baking dish with a little olive oil.  Bake the chicken in the baking pan at 350 degrees for about 30-35mins or until your chicken reaches 165 degrees.

I served mine with some mashed sweet potatoes, which were like eating dessert!  I have been baking A LOT of sweet potatoes these days.  I wash them off and then wrap them in tin foil.  I bake them at 350 for about an hour or until a fork goes right through it.  I mashed 2 baked sweet potatoes and mixed it with 2 tablespoons of coconut milk & some cinnamon to taste!  Yum!


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  1. This looks really good, and I like that you paired it with mashed sweet potatoes!

  2. Great Recipe! I will have to try this one:-)

  3. Love your measuring cup!
    And you got me in the kitchen with your delish dishes

  4. Looks really good. I would like it but my husband doesn't like nuts!

  5. Looks good. I'm always looking for more chicken recipes. The Breezy Birdie

  6. I always love your recipes! This looks so good!

  7. I don't eat chicken, but "breading" something with pecans (YUM!) instead of breadcrumbs is such a great idea :)! Thank you!

  8. This sounds sooo good, with the pecans and mustard, no matter what diet or not! This is a recipe I would love to try asap!!
