PR/Advertisting with Momma Lew

Friday, November 19, 2010


Well after much pushing from quite a few friends, I have finally decided to start a blog. I am not really sure how to make it look all fancy & pretty, so if anyone can give some advice that'd be great! I tend to clog my facebook page up with all types of coupons, deals, & recipes, so I figured why not put it all in one place -- HERE!

With the 2010 holiday season starting in just a few days (although it seems it started weeks ago already) there are going to be a ton of deals & recipes. So stay tuned!

It's always amazing to me when I go to the store & I see the amount of things people put in their carts & then pay FULL price for those items! I hope I can help you save a buck or two!


  1. Welcome to the blogosphere!
    I am bad at looking for deals and I'm guilty of paying full price. I hope to learn from you.

  2. Yay Reesa!!! Welcome to blogland!

  3. You're finally blogging! How cool. :D
