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Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Whole30 approved: Paleo Pancakes

I'm on Day27 of my first Whole30 challenge.  I'm almost to the finish line!!  I can't wait to share my results with all of you on Friday!!  In the last 4 weeks, I have really started to enjoy cooking & eating my meals!  

Here's a great breakfast or breakfast-for-dinner recipe that I love!


Blend 2 eggs with 2 bananas to get a smooth batter 

On a hot non-stick griddle or pan, pour 2 tbsp of your batter (mine turned brownish in the fridge) onto your pan. 

Cook as if you would any type of pancake!  When the edges start to pull away from the pan & the bubbles in the middle stop popping, flip!  

Enjoy!  I enjoyed mine with 1tsbp of almond butter. 

 photo 0281b9d2-247d-48c0-9d53-563b5b5af3fb.jpg


  1. Wait it is just a banana and eggs? man awesome!

  2. Those actually sound VERY good!!

  3. I'm going to start Whole30 in a few weeks!!! I'm totally pinning this!!!

  4. Jaime, I have a group on facebook for whole30 support. Message me on facebook if you want to join!!

  5. I love banana pancakes, will have to try them like this. What is whole30? :)

  6. Paula, it's a Paleo challenge. 30 days of no gluten/grains/oats, dairy, alcohol, process foods, sugars, legumes or soy!

  7. Sounds good...never tried this before but I love pancakes :-)

  8. new discovery!
    so simple!

    definitively for us
