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Wednesday, December 4, 2013

NuNaat Garlic Collection - Review

I have spent years searching for a hair product line that will help me.  You see, I was given thin hair.  It falls out, lacks volume and I can do almost nothing with it.  About six months ago, I was introduced to the NuNaat Hair Products with the Repair Care Collection.  I was blown away at how amazing it worked. When I ran out, I went right back to my old ways of buying any shampoo on the supermarket shelves that was on sale.   With that said, I have spent the last six months struggling.  I couldn't figure out what was wrong with me!  My hair was greasier than ever!  I would wash it and it seemed to just never feel or look clean!  It was falling out more than ever before.  Needless to say, my hair was unhealthy and in crisis!

Thankfully for me, NuNaat relased their brand new Garlic Collection for me to review.  I was thrilled as I was reading about it, as it's perfect for me.  First of all, all of NuNaat's products are natural remedies.  And the Garlic Collection is for slow-to-grow hair.  My hair takes forever to grow - so frustrating!!

Don't worry, I promise you it does not smell like Garlic - at all!  The garlic extract works at the roots to cleanse the scalp of impurities and strengthen hair follicles.  It's ideal for fighting dandruff, oiliness and hair loss.  See I told you, PERFECT for me!

I have been so happy with the results of using the shampoo, conditioner and deep conditioner.  My hair loss is now I would say normal.  My hair is no longer itchy and oily.  It always looks clean.  I feel like using the Garlic collection keeps product residue from building up.

I am almost done with my Shampoo and this time I am not going to play around.  I am going to re-order another bottle for myself so I don't go back to having miserable hair!  Priced at just $5.99, I feel it is worth it to look and feel good!  You can order your Garlic Collection products here.  You can also find NuNaat's products now in Walgreens, WalMart, Sally Beauty Supplies and Duane Reade!

Keep in mind, everyone has different hair and haircare needs.  Because NuNaat's collections are designed to meet the needs of different hair types and textures, you might experience different results.

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Disclosure:  NuNaat sent me products to sample as compensation for this post.  However, all opinions stated are my own.  

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  1. I have been using this and love it. My hair smells so good still at the end of the day!

  2. My hair grows very slowly too, this is worth a try, and I like that it doesn't smell like garlic. :)

  3. My first thought was "would I smell like garlic?" haha. I'm glad you found something that started to work for you! I used to have a lot of problems with a greasy, itchy scalp and once I started washing my hair less that helped a lot. But on the days I wash my hair I always make sure I use a good quality product.
