PR/Advertisting with Momma Lew

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Welcome Back

It's been a long time since I blogged and decided to try and start back up again.

Unfortunately, my bow business - although it was doing fairly well - just didn't make it. It was taking away too much of my time away from my children & home & too much money out of my pocket.  It's ok though.  I still make plenty of things for myself & J, as well as for many of my friends.

One of my big adventures right now is trying to learn how to sew.  I have all of these projects I just want to create up, but my skills are still lacking!  So, if you are an experienced sewer & have some resources to send my way, please do! 

I'm also trying to get A ready for Pre-School.  I'm working with him on his letters & numbers.  Although he is very smart, he gets very frustrated with himself & me, so I am trying to take things slow while trying to teach him at the same time. 

I plan on blogging on various topics & I hope you stick around to have some good conversation with me!

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