PR/Advertisting with Momma Lew

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Fabric Banner

Last year for Christmas I received a sewing machine I have been wanting for years.  I have to admit, I am not very good.  I have a lot of projects I *want* to do, but fabric costs money and I hate to waste it all.  I am always forgetting to do an important detail here or there & the whole thing gets messed up.  I guess practice makes perfect!!!

Right now one of my favorite things to sew are Banners!  So fun!

Minnie Mouse for my daughter's 1st birthday:

Happy Halloween Banner:

Monster Truck Banner for my son's 4th birthday:

As you can see my work is nothing near perfection, but it's ok!

These are great to  make with lots of scraps too!!!

  • First, I printed & cut out this TEMPLATE.  
  • I then stenciled the template on my fabric using white chalk & cut out the triangle.  It's easiest to pin your stencil to the fabric so it doesn't shift.
  • You could use matching fabric for both sides or be creative and do something different!  Your choice!!!  
  • I'm lazy, but you could press each piece of fabric at this point to make them nice & smooth! 
  • Pin both sides of your pennants together.  Remember, keep your unfinished sides together, so the finished sides are facing out.  
  • Stitch each pennant together -- you could easily do this by hand if you do not have a sewing machine. Make sure to leave 1/4" seam allowance. You can trim when you are done if you leave too much unsewn fabric.     
  • When you are done making all of your pennants, stich them all together to make a banner. 
  • Next time I make one, I plan on using some bias tape to make them look a little better finished on top.
Like I said, I am not a professional by any means, so my work is pretty basic.  I thought this was a pretty easy project for a beginner though!

 photo 0281b9d2-247d-48c0-9d53-563b5b5af3fb.jpg


  1. (hubby's account) This is so cute! I'm not very good at sewing either - but this looks fairly simple. I totally have to do this!

  2. I've always been in awe of people who can sew, knit and crochet! Mostly because I can't do it to save my life! I love these banners. They would be great for photo shoots! Bet you could make some good money selling these once you feel confident about your work. I think they are great!

  3. People who knit & crochet are beyond me. I have tried to learn 3 times and just cannot get the hand motions down for anything. You see, I am a certified spastic LOL! But you are right about the photo shoots! I see a lot of shops on Facebook selling them for that purpose!

  4. These banners are adorable and so good for every occasion!
    I once did something similar for Halloween but totally cheated cause I used felt and glued everything!

  5. your banners turn out very nice and they are cute too

  6. These are such a great idea I am deff going to have to try and make one for like 4th of July or something !
