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Tuesday, March 19, 2013

{{REVIEW}} Noxicare - Natural Pain Relief

Noxicare Natural Pain Relief - Review

I recently had the opportunity to review natural pain relief cream manufactured by Noxicare.  It seems as I am growing more aware of ingredients in the products I buy, I am always leaning towards buying a natural product.  My husband suffers from back pain and I myself suffer from pain in my joints throughout my body. So we were very excited to try out a pain relief cream.  I never actually tried a pain relief cream, always some sort of pill that never seems to work.

I found the cream to be really pleasant.  I am very sensitive to odors, so I really liked the fact that this was completely odor-free.  It wasn't greasy, in fact it left my hands feeling smooth.  And of course, the best thing was it left my hand feeling pain free!  It actually worked!

What is Noxicare?

Noxicare is a natural pain relief formula that is a combination of the world's 7 most potent pain relievers-- Turmeric, Willow Bark, Holy Basil, Rosemary Extract, Alpha Lipoic Acids, Ginger, Boswellia Extract.

What is Noxicare good for?

Patients have found Noxicare to be helpful in alleviating pain from chronic or acute conditions, such as:

  • Joint & Muscle pain 
  • Carpal Tunnel Syndrome 
  • Inflammation 
  • Nerve Pain 

If you suffer from pain such as this, go check out Noxicare's Facebook page and let them know that "Momma Lew's Blog" sent you!

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  1. Love this stuff. It is definitely a win in this household!

  2. This looks awesome for my hubby, he has lots of old sports injuries and I am trying to buy more natural products. Thanks for sharing!
