PR/Advertisting with Momma Lew

Monday, March 18, 2013

Why didn't I Think of That?!

Ever see a pin on Pinterest and think "Man why didn't I think of that?!"??  Well, I do it multiple times a day I think.  Here are 5 ideas I recently found that I'd like to share with you:

My 4 year old loves to play card games (War & UNO in particular) and he always has trouble holding his cards:
Playing Card Holders for Little Hands

Said 4 year old also has really, really, really bad aim:
Get Rid of the Boy Smell in the Bathroom

I feel like I can never get all of those random stray strings & threads wound up in my vacuum cleaner off:
Seam Ripper as a Vacuum Roller Cleaner

Here's a secret:  I despise puzzles or any other toy & game that is hard to organize and keep track of:
Zip Pouch for Holding Puzzle Pieces

My 2 yr old loves dolls & Barbies already.  But being how she is only 2, their hair looks horrible within minutes of her getting her sticky fingers on them:
Hot to Fix Frizzy Barbie Hair

 photo 0281b9d2-247d-48c0-9d53-563b5b5af3fb.jpg


  1. Awesome! I love Pinterest and think that all the time lol!

  2. I think that all the time, loved the tips to get rid of the bathroom odor (my little man's aim is so bad!) and the barbie hair care tips, LOL!

  3. I think that all the time! I feel silly after I see the photo!

  4. My daughter is 3yrs old and she loves all kinds of dolls. She finds lotion and puts it in their hair so that she can make them beautiful. Love the Barbie tips.

  5. I do that all the time!!!!

    I love pinterest...

  6. I feel that way all. The. Time when I'm on Pinterest! LOL, it's made life better for sure!
