PR/Advertisting with Momma Lew

Friday, April 26, 2013


MomLifeTV:  A Review by Momma Lew's Blog

Have you heard about the new website MomLifeTV?  MomLifeTV strives to empower moms with the knowledge and strength they need to make positive change within their families, communities and the world.   MomLifeTV covers topics that will speak to a mom's physical, spiritual and emotional  needs, so she can be her best every single day.  Why does a mother need to be her best everyday?  She is the primary role model for her children.  And even though we can never be perfect, we can strive for balance and strength.

MomLifeTV offers a series of short videos on an array of topics.  Topics include lifestyle, conception & pregnancy, new moms, kids in school, moms  of teens, making a difference and shopping.  There are other topics covered as well such as house keeping, DIY projects, health & well-being and recipes.

An example of a video in the "Lifestyle" section

Membership is completely free and will allow you to save and share your videos and find friends with similar interests as you.  The shopping section allows you to find products for your home, yourself or your child.  Each product is linked to it's vendor's website for you to purchase.

I really like a website that is well-rounded and thought out.  You can tell MomLifeTV really has every women in mind and it's a one-stop website for any information you might be seeking.  As a mother myself, I know how easy it is to doubt ourselves and the job we are doing with our children.  It's comforting to see a website that seeks to empower me.

Check out MomLifeTV's social media on Facebook or Twitter 

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  1. Seems to be that this company is addressing some topics sorely needed. Great to see something like this out there!

  2. I've never heard of this website! Its nice to have extra support for moms!

  3. I love this idea! We moms need all the support we can get! Thanks for sharing :)

  4. i haven't heard of it but it sounds like they have a great agenda or programs for the community.

  5. Thanks for sharing! What a neat concept. I love when mom's get together to support one another. It is mom's who know exactly what mom's need not some dr. telling us what they think we need.

  6. Never heard of it but it sounds very interesting.

  7. I never heard of this however it's much needed. Thanks for sharing.
