TigTagz Identification for Kids Review & Giveaway!
Hosted by: Five Lil Bass in Tow
Has your child ever left your side in a store for even a second? In that split second that you can't find them your heart is beating in your stomach, you can barely breathe and you have imagined all the worst outcomes? It is a parents worst nightmare!
Created by a Mom...for Moms!
It started simple enough. My 4 year-old couldn't remember my cell phone number. On a rare occasion, she could recite it back to me. But that was usually after a lot of coaching and prodding on my part. So I was very concerned that she wouldn't be able to conjure up those numbers when the hysteria of being lost settled into her innocent little 4 year-old brain. Would a stranger understand her through the sobbing and panic, even if she could recall those very important numbers? My mommy instinct said, "No". I taught her at a very young age to find another "mommy with kids" to help her, but realized that if she couldn't repeat my phone number, it might delay our reunion and add to the unbearable panic that we would both be experiencing. Then, I had my second child...and my fear compounded. Not only was my second daughter a bit more "carefree" than my first, but she had medical issues that might not be easily recognized by a "stranger". Her medical issues required intervention every few hours so it would be extremely important for us to be reunited as quickly as possible. So TigTagz was born. My oldest daughter now knows to go to a mommy and show her the wristband so they can call me immediately. And although my youngest isn't yet able to communicate effectively, I would assume someone would see her wristband and gain all the information needed to locate me, as well as insight into the nature of her medical needs. I put one on my youngest son today for a field trip his class was going on.
Even when we go to just Wal-mart my 5 year old has a habit of wandering. It really worries me. So I love products that help with safety. Each of these non personalized tagz say on the end If lost please call:
I was able to write my name and phone number with enough space if I wanted to add my address underneath.
They carry boys and girls TigTagz and with such cute designs!
12 ID Bracelets cost $9.99 for the set. This is a great cost but you can not put price on your child's safety. I love knowing that my 5 year old can how this to a store employee and they can find me. One day the baby will be able to use these also. This company carries shirts, labels, bracelets and stickers. They even have fundraiser opportunities. These would be great for daycares. Check them out!
Five Lil Bass In Tow was sent a few TigTagz to test and write my honest review. This blog is not responsible for prize delivery
Safety gates!