PR/Advertisting with Momma Lew

Monday, April 8, 2013

{{REVIEW}} Funbites!

Have you heard of the awesome new product called Funbites?!  I recently had the opportunity to review one and it was a big hit in my house!

Funbites is an innovative kitchen tool that instantly cuts food into bite sized cubes or hearts!  It's a great way to make mealtimes fun for you & your kids and get your picky eaters to try something new!  Funbites would also be great to use for babies learning to use their pincer grasp or self feeding.  Both of my children LOVE when I cut their food into shapes.  I usually use cookie cutters, but I feel like I waste a lot of food that way, since they only eat the cut out.

So how do  Funbites work?!

The day we received our Funbites to review, my little one was sick with a tummy bug, so we used some toast to try it out.  I ended up making 3 pieces of toast for each of my kids that morning because they gobbled up their Funbite Squares faster than I could turn around.

  • First, you place the cutter on top of  your food without the popper top.  
  • Grab the handles, and while pressing down firmly, rock it side to side about 5-6 times. 
  • Life up the cutter & insert the popper top to press out your squares or hearts bite-sized pieces!

Funbites  are 100% made in the USA and are completely BPA free.  I handwashed mine, which was super easy, but you can put them in the dishwasher too!

So what else can you use  your Funbites to cut!?

  • Grilled Cheese 
  • Pizza 
  • Melon
  • Deli Sandwiches 
  • Pancakes 
  • Hamburgers
  • Cheese 
  • Egg Omelette 
  • Peanut Butter & Jelly 
  • Waffles
Check out Funbites!

On their website: 
Facebook: Funbites Facebook

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  1. Goodness, that looks like a time saver! However, I am wondering how much big it is? I hate having a cluttered kitchen, so I really try to keep things at the minimum, but I'm always willing to make space for essentials!

  2. It's not big at all! See in the picture? It's about the size of my piece of toast! :)

  3. I love Funbites! Easy and fun to use! My kids always eat all of their meal when I use it!

  4. These are cute! I bet my son would like them. He has 5 teeth now, so he enjoys chewing, but needs something small still.

  5. My favorite things to use my fun bites on are pizza, grilled cheese and french toast. So easy that we can all eat when our food is still warm!

  6. Too adorable! Makes cutting SO much easier!
